Category: blog

News and views about the commercial drone services industry in Australia and specific uses of drone technologies, by Tony Gilbert, CEO of Queensland Drones.

Carrot tops and chick pea salad recipe

Carrot tops and chick pea salad recipe carrot tops with chickpeas

We recently did a survey of some carrot trials for Kalfresh at Gatton and grower Tony Byrne got chatting to my wife (and official “spotter”) about vegetable recipes. As a result, she walked away with a lovely bunch of very fresh carrots complete with tops, and a promise to post a recipe for a carrot tops and chickpea salad. So here it is: First of all you have to keep the carrot tops fresh! They dry out very quickly and if you leave them attached to the carrots those will lose their moisture too. You need to take the tops […]

Shooting aerial video

Shooting aerial video Aerial photograph of Swanbank Reservoir

One of the aspects of drone photography I most enjoy and will continue to pursue even if my commercial interests take me elsewhere is aerial video. There’s something incredibly satisfying about planning an aerial videography route, thinking about what I’m going to capture and then comparing that to what I get after I’ve edited and compiled the raw videos … and that’s often a whole lot more than I expected when I shot it. So today I want to discuss what you need to know to shoot aerial video. Know the regulations The last thing you need is to be […]

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